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Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf: A Must-Read Book for Anyone Interested in Soil Health and Crop Production

Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf: A Comprehensive Guide to Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use

Do you want to grow healthier, more nutritious, and more profitable crops? Do you want to understand how the soil works and how to manage it for optimal fertility? Do you want to learn from one of the world's leading experts on soil science and agronomy?

Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to get your hands on Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf, a book by Neal Kinsey and Charles Walters. This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about soil health and crop production. It covers everything you need to know about the major and minor fertility elements, the soil factors that affect fertility, and how to balance soil nutrients for maximum yield.

In this article, we will give you an overview of the main topics covered in the book, and why it is important for farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in soil health. We will also provide you with a table comparing the pros and cons of different fertilizer sources, and answer some frequently asked questions about the book. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf can offer you, and how to get it.


Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf is a book by Neal Kinsey and Charles Walters, published by Acres U.S.A., Incorporated in 2013. It is the third edition of the book, which was first published in 1993. The book has been meticulously revised and expanded, with additional chapters and updated information to reflect the latest research and practice in soil science and agronomy.

The book is divided into four parts: The Major Fertility Elements, The Minor Fertility Elements, The Soil Factors That Affect Fertility, and Balancing Soil Nutrients for Maximum Yield. Each part contains several chapters that explain the role, measurement, management, and application of each fertility element or soil factor. The book also includes numerous charts, tables, diagrams, photos, and examples to illustrate the concepts and practices discussed.

The author of the book, Neal Kinsey, is a renowned soil consultant who has worked with thousands of farmers and gardeners around the world. He is the owner of Kinsey Agricultural Services, a company that provides soil analysis, fertility recommendations, and educational programs. He is also a certified instructor for the Albrecht-Kinsey method of soil fertility management, which is based on the work of Dr. William Albrecht, a pioneer in soil science.

The co-author of the book, Charles Walters, was the founder and executive editor of Acres U.S.A., a magazine that promotes ecological agriculture. He was also an author of several books on farming, gardening, health, and economics. He passed away in 2009.

The book is important for farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in soil health because it teaches them how to work with the soil to bring it into balance, rather than relying on synthetic fertilizers or chemicals that can harm the soil and the environment. It also shows them how to produce healthier crops with a higher yield and quality, which can improve their income and well-being. The book is based on sound scientific principles and practical experience, making it a reliable and useful resource for anyone who wants to learn more about soil fertility and fertilizer use.

The Major Fertility Elements

The first part of the book covers the major fertility elements: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). These are the elements that are required by plants in relatively large amounts for their growth and development. They are also the elements that are most commonly applied as fertilizers by farmers and gardeners.

The Minor Fertility Elements

The second part of the book covers the minor fertility elements: iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B). These are the elements that are required by plants in relatively small amounts for their growth and development. They are also called micronutrients or trace elements.

Although these elements are needed in small quantities, they are essential for many plant functions, such as enzyme activation, photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen fixation, and hormone synthesis. Deficiencies or excesses of these elements can cause various symptoms in plants, such as chlorosis, necrosis, stunting, distortion, or reduced yield and quality.

The availability of these elements in the soil depends on several factors, such as soil pH, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, soil moisture, and interactions with other nutrients. Some of these elements are more available in acidic soils (Fe, Mn, Zn), while others are more available in alkaline soils (Cu, B). Therefore, adjusting soil pH to the optimal range for the crop can help improve the availability of these elements.

However, sometimes soil pH adjustment is not enough or not feasible to correct micronutrient imbalances. In such cases, other methods can be used to supply these elements to the plants, such as foliar sprays, soil applications, seed treatments, or chelates. The book explains how to choose and apply these methods based on soil test results and crop needs.

The Soil Factors That Affect Fertility

The third part of the book covers the soil factors that affect fertility: soil drainage, soil tilth, soil structure, and soil organic matter. These are the physical and biological properties of the soil that influence its ability to hold and supply water and nutrients to the plants.

, and drainage class. The book also suggests some practices to improve soil drainage, such as installing tile drains, subsoiling, contouring, or adding organic matter.

Soil tilth is the physical condition of the soil in relation to plant growth. It is influenced by the size, shape, and arrangement of soil aggregates, as well as the pore spaces between them. Good soil tilth allows for easy seed germination, root penetration, water infiltration and retention, and gas exchange. Poor soil tilth can result from compaction, crusting, erosion, or excessive tillage. The book shows how to assess and improve soil tilth by using indicators such as aggregate stability, bulk density, porosity, and penetration resistance. The book also recommends some practices to improve soil tilth, such as adding organic matter, reducing tillage frequency and intensity, rotating crops, or using cover crops.

Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles into aggregates of various sizes and shapes. Soil structure affects soil porosity, permeability, aeration, water-holding capacity, and nutrient availability. Soil structure can be classified into different types based on the shape and size of the aggregates, such as granular, blocky, prismatic, columnar, platy, or single-grained. The book shows how to identify and describe soil structure types by using terms such as grade, class, and type. The book also explains how soil structure is formed and destroyed by natural and human factors, such as wetting and drying cycles, freezing and thawing cycles, root growth, microbial activity, organic matter decomposition, tillage, traffic, or erosion.

, and soil biological activity. Soil organic matter can be classified into different fractions based on their origin, composition, and decomposition rate, such as plant residues, microbial biomass, humus, and charcoal. The book shows how to measure and interpret soil organic matter content by using methods such as loss-on-ignition, wet oxidation, dry combustion, or infrared spectroscopy. The book also explains how soil organic matter is formed and decomposed by various factors, such as climate, vegetation, soil texture, tillage, or fertilization.

Balancing Soil Nutrients for Maximum Yield

The fourth part of the book covers the concept of balancing soil nutrients for maximum yield. This concept is based on the idea that each crop has an optimal range of nutrient levels in the soil that allows for the best growth and quality. If the nutrient levels are too low or too high, the crop may suffer from deficiencies or toxicities that reduce yield and quality.

The book introduces the concept of base saturation, which is the percentage of the cation exchange capacity occupied by different cations (positively charged ions) in the soil. The cations include calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), hydrogen (H+), and aluminum (Al3+). The book explains how to calculate base saturation from soil test results, and how to interpret it in relation to crop needs.

The book also discusses the ideal ratios of cations for different crops, based on the work of Dr. William Albrecht and his followers. The ideal ratios are expressed as percentages of the total cations in the soil. For example, the ideal ratio for corn is 65% Ca2+, 10% Mg2+, 5% K+, 20% H+, and 0% Na+ and Al3+. The book shows how to adjust the cation ratios by using different types and amounts of lime or fertilizer.

The book also emphasizes the importance of trace elements for crop quality and yield. Trace elements are those that are required by plants in very small amounts, such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), chlorine (Cl), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), and selenium (Se). The book explains how trace elements affect various aspects of crop physiology, such as enzyme activity, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, hormone synthesis, or disease resistance. The book also shows how to identify trace element deficiencies or excesses by using visual symptoms or tissue analysis, and how to correct them by using foliar or soil applications.


, and anyone interested in soil health. The book is available in PDF format online, or you can order a printed copy from Acres U.S.A., Incorporated. If you want to learn more about soil fertility and fertilizer use, Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf is a book that you should not miss.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to the topic of the article.

Q: What is the difference between soil fertility and soil productivity?

A: Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to supply essential nutrients to plants for their growth and development. Soil productivity is the capacity of the soil to produce a certain yield of crops under a given set of management practices. Soil fertility is one of the factors that affect soil productivity, along with climate, topography, pests, diseases, weeds, and human interventions.

Q: How can I get my soil tested for nutrient levels and pH?

A: You can get your soil tested by sending a representative sample to a reputable soil testing laboratory. You can find a list of accredited soil testing labs in your state or region online, or contact your local extension service for assistance. You should follow the instructions provided by the lab on how to collect, prepare, and ship your soil sample. You should also indicate the crop you intend to grow and any specific questions or concerns you have about your soil. The lab will send you a report with your soil test results and recommendations for fertilizer and lime applications.

Q: How often should I apply organic matter to my soil?

A: The frequency and amount of organic matter application depend on several factors, such as the type and quality of organic matter, the existing level of organic matter in your soil, the crop you are growing, and your management goals. In general, you should aim to maintain or increase your soil organic matter content over time by applying organic matter at least once every two or three years. You can use various sources of organic matter, such as compost, manure, cover crops, crop residues, or biochar. You should apply organic matter according to the nutrient needs of your crop and the nutrient content of the organic matter. You should also avoid applying excessive amounts of organic matter that can cause nutrient imbalances or environmental problems.

Q: What are some common signs of nutrient deficiencies or toxicities in plants?

, or fruits. Some common signs of nutrient deficiencies or toxicities are listed in Table 1. However, these symptoms are not always specific to a single nutrient, and may be influenced by other factors, such as soil pH, moisture, temperature, or diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to confirm the diagnosis of nutrient disorders by using soil and plant tissue tests.

Q: How can I balance soil nutrients for maximum yield?

A: Balancing soil nutrients for maximum yield requires a comprehensive approach that considers the following steps:

  • Identify the crop you want to grow and its nutrient requirements.

  • Test your soil for nutrient levels, pH, organic matter, and other properties.

  • Compare your soil test results with the optimal ranges for your crop.

  • Determine the amount and type of fertilizer and lime needed to correct any nutrient imbalances or deficiencies.

  • Apply fertilizer and lime according to the soil test recommendations and the best management practices for your crop and soil type.

  • Monitor your crop growth and quality throughout the season and adjust your fertilizer and lime applications as needed.

  • Test your soil and plant tissue periodically to evaluate the effectiveness of your fertility program and identify any emerging problems.

You can also consult with a soil fertility specialist or an extension agent for more guidance on balancing soil nutrients for maximum yield.

Q: Where can I get Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf?

A: You can get Hands On Agronomy Pdf.pdf online or in print from Acres U.S.A., Incorporated. You can download the PDF version of the book for free from their website, or you can order a printed copy for $35.00 plus shipping and handling. You can also find other books and resources on soil fertility and fertilizer use from Acres U.S.A., Incorporated.



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